Making a difference for the future with all safety in mind.
Bio Energy Fuels is a business resolving waste contamination for the future of Power generation and sustainability for Industrial energy needs.
We all have waste from our business. This waste can be turned with the help of Bio Energy Fuels into energy which can offset production costs leaving you with more Funds and margins for selling your products in the marketplace . Waste harnings into renewable energy can profoundly change the course of life changing the outcome of History.
With the added benefit of sustainability for your business future.
Our Company endeavor is to resolve the environmental impacts of industrial waste contamination more effectively than present systems. Giving us the effectiveness of resolving contamination more effectively will benefit the cost effectiveness for mines, councils and private industries. Leaving us all with a cleaner Biodiversity for Future generations.
Cleaner greener future for Australia (Cleaning up the future of our biodiversity)
Most waterways in Queensland run off into the Great Barrier Reef. With cleaner refined waterways this will give the business owners the green tick of approval from the Australian Environmental Authorities.
By resolving the contamination from waste tyres, rubber, grease and old oils, pollution of the water site will be greatly reduced thus overcoming the risk of future claims from authorities such as the EPA. In line with utilising the byproducts for biodiversity, revegetation and advanced filtration these byproduct filtration systems will remove heavy metals and particles to levels exceeding environmental standards.
Bio Energy Fuels will improve water runoff into the Environment from Mines, Municipal Councils and industry water disposal plants.
Bio Energy Fuels will be amongst the first companies to turn waste into fuel to resolve the climatic problems of the future.
These fuels have low emission, thus resolving the emission footprint and climate changes.
By addressing the key element of land reform our company, Bio Energy Fuels, can reverse the environmental impacts of water runoff by revegetation programs, waste storage and dump sites.
Contaminated Soil, caused by fuel, grease or coal, including old oils and contaminated waste, can be processed and decontaminated ready for revegetation programs on site.
The byproduct of the waste can be recycled into renewable products and can also be used for environmental land reform and Biodiversity. These land reforms will favour the Local communities and enhance Regional infrastructure support.
Contaminated Soil, caused by fuel, grease or coal, including old oils and contaminated waste, can be processed and decontaminated ready for revegetation programs on site.
The byproduct of the waste can be recycled into renewable products and can also be used for environmental land reform and Biodiversity. These land reforms will favour the Local communities and enhance Regional infrastructure support.
These fuels have low emission, thus resolving the emission footprint and climate changes.
Mission Statement & Values
“Strive in processing smaller environmental impacts before they get larger.”
“Leaving the environment a better place for future generations.”
“Safety of the people onsite and resolving environmental impacts for the future generation.”